Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip Cookies

Hey all, it's Jess.  What is it about baking and snowy weather?  I always feel like I need to bake cookies when I see a snow storm coming on and last week was no exception.  I decided to make a family favorite, chocolate peanut butter chip cookies.  If you like a Reese's peanut butter cup, then these are the cookies for you!

You just need a few ingredients:

Most of these things are ingredients we always have on hand.  The only real specialty ones you'll need are the peanut butter chips and the unsweetened cocoa.  We actually always keep the latter around.  You need it for No-Bakes and it also makes the best homemade hot chocolate!

As with most cookies, you'll mix your dry ingredients and cream the butter and sugar together.

Add the eggs and vanilla and beat the butter mixture.  I always crack my eggs into a separate bowl and and whisk them first before adding them to the butter.  Once your mixture is smooth, SLOWLY add your dry ingredients.  I say SLOWLY because even on my mixture's lowest setting, I had cocoa powder all over myself and my kitchen!  Try pulsing the mixture a bit at a time and then add speed as it gets mixed in.  Finally, add in your peanut butter chips!  You'll want a whole bag here, well, if you're like me the amount is a bag of peanut butter chips minus several preschooler-sized handfuls.

Scoop them out onto a tray and bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 8-10 minutes.  They'll be little soft on top when you take them out.  Let them set up on the tray for a minute or two before cooling them on a wire rack.  You can bake them all off, or scoop and freeze some.  This time, I did about half and half, which gave me 2 dozen in the cookie jar and 2 dozen in the freezer.

And there you are!  The perfect cookies for a lazy Snow Day!

They'd be perfect as a Valentine's Day treat, too!  Give these cookies a try and let us know what you think!  Happy baking!

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