Thursday, February 8, 2018

Healthy Smoothie Recipe Round-Up

Hey gang, it's Jess.  Although Ry and I are not big on New Year's Resolutions, one thing I'm trying to do this year is eat more breakfast.  I am notorious for getting up with JUST enough time to get myself out the door presentably.  I rarely leave myself enough time to eat breakfast and as a result, I end up with just a venti latte in my stomach all morning.  Not the healthiest of options.  I'm trying to find more healthy breakfast options that I can grab and go.

Smoothies are great for this because they pack a lot of bang for their nutritional buck.  You can stuff them full of fruits (and veggies) and start your day off right.  You can pour them and drink them as you drive to work or while you get going on work, too.  Also, for you mamas out there, they're  super kid-friendly.  I know my kiddo loves them and will happily drink them, no matter how much spinach I cram in there!

Here are a few of my favorite smoothie recipes from Pinterest.

Now, here's one of my favorite homemade recipes that we've been enjoying in the mornings.  The addition of the oats seems odd, but it thickens the smoothie, gives you extra fiber and keeps you feeling fuller longer!

Fruity Oat Smoothie (Makes 2 servings)

  • 1/2-3/4 cup milk (you can use regular milk, soy, almond, etc)
  • 1/2 cup vanilla yogurt
  • 1/2 cup old-fashioned oats
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen fruit (We use bananas and berries but anything you like works)
  • Optional add-ins: 2 tablespoons peanut butter or almond butter, handful of spinach, scoop of vanilla protein powder 
Pour the oats into the blender and pulse until they're powdery.  Add frozen fruit, milk and blend until smooth.  Depending on the consistency of your fruit and how you like your smoothie, you may want to add more/less liquid.  

Do you like smoothies for breakfast?  What are your favorite recipes?  Let us know in the comments and give them a try!

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