Friday, March 17, 2017

Friday Pick-Six: 3/17/17

Here's what we are loving and living for this week!

1. I've been on the hunt for a great dry shampoo basically since I became a mom and had pretty much no time to wash my hair when I wanted.  I've struggled to find one that didn't leave my already fine hair limp and heavy with product.  After a long time of searching, I abandoned my quest.  Until a recent power outage that is!  On Day #2 sans power, I found myself wandering the aisles of Target with the kiddo using the free wi-fi to download podcasts.  I had a recently read a write-up about L'Oreal Paris Hair Expert Clay Dry Shampoo in Real Simple magazine and thought I would give it a go.  Lo and behold, I think I finally found that elusive dry shampoo that works for my hair!  There was a pleasant but not over-powering scent and it didn't leave my hair feeling stringy or heavy-feeling.  A few spritzes, a comb through and one high ponytail later and I arrived at work NOT looking like someone who had spent the previous 20 hours trying to convince a crabby toddler that being without power and heat was a "fun adventure." Dry Shampoo for the Win!--J

2.  As if we needed another reason to love Target, this week we can't stop eating some of the seasonal varieties of Archer Farm's trail mix.  Ryan's fave is Bunny Bait (honey roasted peanuts, white chocolate covered pretzel balls, confetti cookie pieces, etc.) and Jess loves the Chocolate Peanut Butter Overload (sort of a classed up version of the ole Chex Mix favorite "puppy chow" with mini peanut butter cups).  Added bonus is that they're on sale- 2 for $6 this week.

3. This time of year, it's pretty much impossible to NOT have chapped lips, so I have been searching for a good lip scrub for a while.  I recently ordered a Sweet Pot Sugar Scrub & Lip Balm from Clinique and I am already noticing my lips are less chapped.  It's a 2 in 1- one side is a lip scrub and the other is a tinted lip balm and they come in a variety of shades.  I have the sweet rose color and it's the perfect little hint of pink.  Plus, look how pretty they are!!--R

4.  When's the last time you've had a White Russian?  It's been a while, right?  Well, friends, we are here to tell you that they are just as delicious you might remember.  Fun fact:  our mom actually made Jess her very first White Russian back in college while prepping for a family Christmas party.  (Among other things, our mom is a great bartender!)  Here's a great recipe from one of our favorite blogs, Smitten Kitchen.  (Word to the wise: if you don't have heavy cream or half and half, regular old skim milk works just fine).  If it's good enough for The Dude, it's good enough for us.

5. We love using Pandora as a great way to get a playlist of songs we already love and finding new releases.  Some new music we are loving this week is the new CD, Divide, from Ed Sheeran (especially the single Dive) and The Search for Everything by our fave, John Mayer.

6. We make our fair share of cookies in these parts.  One of our favorite things to do is whip up a batch of cookie dough, scoop it out into cookies and then freeze those babies.  That way, when a cookie craving hits, you're never more than 10-12 minutes away from a sweet treat.  It's our very own version of "Break and Bake".  Our favorite tool to make this task a little simpler is the Oxo Softworks Cookie Scoop.  The scoop is easy to use and scoops evenly sized not-too-large-but-not-too-small cookies.  And for what it's worth, Phoebe's Grandma was right, the classic Nestle Tollhouse Chocolate Chip Cookie is where it's at.

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